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Tips & Recommendations for Administering Iron to Infants
Nerves of steel - sometimes, that’s what it seems parents need when charged with the task of giving their infants their daily iron supplement. The infant protests, the parent insists, and the iron sprays in all directions. Sound familiar? It doesn’t have to be your reality.Read more
German Measles - How to Relieve its Symptoms
German Measles is a common viral illness among infants and children, particularly during this time of year. And while it is not a serious illness and it does pass on its own, it can become a source of concern when afflicting our little ones. What are the symptoms of German Measles and how can you relieve them? Everything you need to know, right here.
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Fever in Infants and Children
Thermometer showing a high fever and you’re unsure which fever-reducing medication to administer to your child? Before you head to the doctor or buy a whole stock of medications, it’s recommended that you find out what doctors advise - how to effectively reduce fevers and keep your kids healthyRead more
Hot Outside, Cool in the AC? Can Extreme Weather Shifts Cause Fevers?
Colds, fevers and other common phenomenon are often attributed to sleeping with the air conditioning on, but most pediatricians believe that using air conditioning is completely safe for infants and toddlers. So why do little ones get sick in the summer? Everything you need to know, right here.Read more
Reducing Fever in Infants - What to Watch Out for?
It starts off with slight complaints, evolves into crying, tiredness and sometimes a lack of appetite, and after a quick kiss on the forehead, you discover your infant has a fever. We’ve put together a list of all the recommended folk remedies for fevers, as well as those you should discard.
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Does Your Infant Have Fever? It’s Not Because of Teething
In light of the development of several myths surrounding teething, including the “link” between teething and fever in infants, diarrhea, runny noses and more, were studied in multiple medical studies. Read on to discover the studies’ findings.Read more
Fever-induced seizures in infants: What to do and how to remain calm
Infants and toddlers suffering from seizures (sudden spasms) can be a source of great anxiety, especially if it’s your first time seeing them in this state. However, it is important that you know that most febrile (fever-induced) seizures pass on their own and cause no long-term damage. How do you care for a seizing infant and what do you do to remain calm? Read on to find out.Read more
5 Ways to Cope With Infant Gas
Is your infant crying in (gas) pain, leaving you feeling helpless? Here are five ways you can survive the gas period:Read more
The 10 Commandments Of Coping With Infant Gas
Infant gas (also known as colic) is a common phenomenon that causes little ones much suffering and their parents much helplessness. How can you cope with it? Here are the 10 commandments for coping with gas:Read more
Stomach Aches In Infants: When To Worry
Stomach aches are extremely common among infants and toddlers - and their causes are many and diverse. Sometimes, little stomachs can hurt from eating too much, or eating on end, from gas, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections and more. So, how can you identify when to give your little one some prune juice, and when to take them to the doctor? Everything you need to know, right here.Read more
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